Friday, August 13, 2010

Tokyo, Hello

So my first day in Tokyo was pretty low key. I lost my cookies on the flight to Bangkok. It was a little embarrassing sitting there with my motion sickness bag...oh well, what are you gonna do? With 55 minutes between flights, I was a little worried that I wouldn't make my connecting flight to Tokyo, but that all worked out! Yay!

Misty and her children, Evie and Davis, met me at the airport and we drove into the city. Let me just say, it was weird driving in Japan after being in the Philippines. No jeepneys trying to cut you off, no big trucks carrying 20 people standing in the back, no hable hables carrying 3-4 people. It was calm and peaceful on the road.

Misty is married to a man in the US Navy and we are staying in a really nice Navy hotel in central Tokyo. It's a pretty sweet place. Currently, Misty's husband, Dennis, is deployed and couldn't be here with us.

Unfortunately, I didn't see much of Tokyo for two reasons. First, it was rainy; I know you're thinking, come on sissy, you live in the Washington state! But the bigger reason for not seeing more sites today is that I'm a sicky girl. Ya, losing my cookies on the plane was the precursor to being sick on my first day in Tokyo. This is about all I saw of Tokyo for today; the view from my hotel room. :(

I had enough energy to make it down to the luau in the hotel banquet room. Here we are at dinner!
We even had some fun hula dancing entertainment while we ate dinner.

Evie really got into the dancing! She is an aspiring hula dancer, so cute!

While it was a pretty mellow day, it was still a lot of fun to catch up with Misty and her kids. I'm going to sleep early and hoping that I can be ready to take on a full day of excitement in Tokyo tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the irony! You go to Hawaii and you see tons of Japanese. You go to Japan and catch a Luau. Too funny! Hope you're back to your old self soon and ready to venture out to explore the city!
